Can adult children remain on their parents’ auto policy?

North Carolina is a state that values family, and auto insurance is one policy that considers the family. At Asheville Insurance Center in Asheville, NC, we are an independent insurance agency with an experienced team who can help you make the best possible choice when it comes to auto insurance.

A Family Policy

As your family grows and your children reach driving age, they will naturally be added to your auto policy. This requires some rethinking on your part when it comes to the amount of liability coverage you will be carrying on your policy. Some other considerations are considered as the kids move through high school and into college. Will they bring a car with them to college? This requires that they remain on the family auto policy. It is important that they keep their home address as their main address. Most students do come home for the summer and during breaks, so it is still their home.

Adult Children Who Return

It has become increasingly common for adult children to return home after college or even after having lived on their own. The cost of renting an apartment has risen, and owning a home is often a dream. Living at home with mom and dad has become a popular option and something that many parents enjoy. As long as they live in your home, most auto insurance companies will not have a problem with your adult children staying on a family auto policy.

Contact Asheville Insurance Center in Asheville, NC to discuss your auto insurance needs and how we can help ensure you have the right coverage. You can call us or reach out through our website.